AIRO Master thesis 2018. Call (available only in italian) (download Pdf)
From 2016, AIRO collects information about Operations Research courses in Italian universities started from the data provided by CIRO. The aim is to provide a detailed overview of Operations Resear
Constantly updated by AIRO Young, the database of all Italian PhD schools providing OR is now available here. In order to add the OR courses and seminars, use this G form.
Active working groups in AIRO follow: AIRO Health Care (Prof.ssa Paola Cappanera) AIRO OPSTeaM Optimization and Problem Solving for OR teaching (Prof. Sforza – Prof. Righini) AIRO OPTSM Optim
This thematic section intends to promote active research projects and initiatives devoted to the theory, the methods and applications of Stochastic Programming. It aims at consolidating its activit
Since many years, AIRO is involved in organizing prizes to foster Operations Research and its applications. In the last years, prizes are focuses on Master thesis and applications focusing on socia
The OPSTeam thematic section is born on 2022. It gathers together teachers, researchers and scholars (from University and School), working on Teaching Mathematics and its applications by a Problem