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Optimization and Decision Science 2023

ODS2023 Hotel Continental Terme, Ischia Porto, via Michele Mazzella nr. 74., Ischia

The International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science organized by AIRO will be held at Ischia, Italy.   The Conference theme is open in the fields of operations research, optimization, problem solving and decision making, and their applications. Unless the pandemic situation becomes worse, the conference will be organized fully in person.   For more info visit http://www.airoconference.it/ods2023/

Optimization 2023

Aveiro University of Aveiro, Aveiro

Optimization 2023 is the tenth edition of a series of Optimization international conferences held every three years in Portugal. This meeting will be held at the University of Aveiro, on July 24-26, 2023, and aims to bring together researchers and practitioners with common interests in optimization. Optimization infos We look forward to meeting you at […]

7th Airo Young Workshop

Milano Department of Computer Science of the University of Milano, Via Celoria 18, Milano

After the workshops held in Rome (2017, 2019, 2022), Cosenza (2018), and Bozen (2020), and the online version organized in 2021, the 7th Edition of AIROYoung Workshop, with the title “Operations Research Beyond Frontier” will be held in Milan (Italy), at Università degli Studi di Milano from the 15th to the 17th February 2023.   AIROYoung is the youth […]